Myryad Z110 CD Player: no sound issue

This day on my workbench a Myryad Z110 CD Player with the symptoms of no sound but besides that fully operational.

My first thoughts were the muting relays which I saw at first glance of the PCB. But eventually it was something else.

I tried the digital output on the CD player, that one was working. So digitally there was not really anything wrong with it.
Lets see if there is sound coming out of the Digital Analog Converter chip (DAC). It is a Crystal CS4391 24-bits, 192 kHz stereo DAC.

I googled for this SMD IC and downloaded the datasheet.

It appeared that this DAC has a balanced output (+ and -), but unfortunately there was no sound on either of those pins. Well, lets move back to the input.
The input is made of three digital signals; clock, L/R clock and data.
This works like this: Depending on the level of the L/R clock signal the data bits for the left or right signal are fed into the DAC. when all bits of one channel is in, the L/R signal will switch and the data stream of the other channel will be fed into the DAC.

Connected three probes to the PCB:

On the scope this looks like this:

Scope channel 1: Clock signal
Scope channel 2: L/R Clock signal
Scope channel 3: Data signal

When googling the DAC IC, I found several topics on defect ICs. So best guess that the IC is defective. Checked all input voltages and AC ripple. So I ordered a new SMD DAC Chip.

A few days later, the new DAC IC arrived:

Now I need to prep the PCB for SMD replacement.
First grounding of the PCB:

Second wrapping the PCB in aluminium foil to prevent other components from overheating:

With a bit of flux and the hot air rework station on it, it came off quite easy:

New IC fits nicely:

And there is sound again coming from the analog outputs!

6 comments on “Myryad Z110 CD Player: no sound issue

  1. Hello.
    My MYRYAD Z112 cd player have a buzzing sound of spindle motor running on the speakers.
    On analog or digital output.
    Have you an idea?

    • Hi Arthur,
      It’s hard to tell exactly what could cause this buzzing sound. I would firstly check all connections and check for bad solder joints. Secondly I would check the power supply levels and if there is a high ripple level on them. A large ripple could be caused by a bad (dried out) electrolytic capacitor.
      Hope this give’s you any direction into fixing your cd player.

      Regards, Mark

  2. Hi, I have a Myryad Cameo cd player with digital sound working. The analog outputs, with the amp dialed up 100%, can hear there is music playing…(barely). I my case i doubt its the DAC as there is sound coming from the CD player analog, just very very low volume/gain.

    My question is, could a dac chip influence gain?

    Any comments?


    • Hi Renier,

      There are DACs that can control output volume. From what I can tell based on the cd-player database I put together from several sources, your cd-player has a Cirrus Logic CS4391 DAC. That DAC has volume control functionality.
      It could be as simple as turning the output volume with the remote control if that is implemented on your cd-player.
      It could also be a faulty mute relay or any other issue with the mute circuit. I’ve also seen cd-players with a problem with the power supply for the output opamps. I have also seen loose RCA terminals or broken ground connections, but then you would certainly get a lot of hum when turning up the volume that high.
      So at this point it could be anything from the DAC to the output connectors.

      My advice would be to have it checked by someone with the proper tools (oscilloscope and such) and knowledge. It’s a nice player and to me it would be worth to have it fixed (or at least looked at for an estimate)


  3. Nice work I wish you were closer I’d have you do this one same thing here only 1 channel works fine I’m wondering if the digital will work

    • Hi Thomas,
      Thank you very much.
      If you have a stand alone DAC or any other device with a digital input, you can use the digital output.
      Since the DAC gets its left and right channel data over one serial data line, it could be a faulty DAC. I would expect that both optical and coax digital outputs will work fine.
      To make sure there is nothing else going wrong at the output stage, you could check if there is signal on the output pins of the opamps.

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